Celebrating Successful Students in Over 20 Countries ‘Online Horse College’ is now ‘International Horse College’

Shanda and Persiaa

Shanda was born with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Immediately after birth, her doctors had to insert tubes to support her breathing. Her mother, Shannon, said she never heard her baby cry until the tubes came out a month and a half later. Her doctors diagnosed Shanda...

Three Ways of Keeping Your Lesson Safe and Organised

It is important as a coach or as an horse riding instructor course to keep your lessons safe and organised. Single File Single file typically is: two horse distance. One rider following the other rider, or one horse following the other horse. Or a variation of this...

Congratulate your horse!

Today’s Challenge: Congratulate your horse!   Your horse doesn’t have to win a championship to be congratulated or praised and rewarded.   They just have to do one thing correctly, know that you are happy with them and they will try to do it again.   It could be...

Experienced Horse Experts

Experienced Horse Experts   Today’s Challenge: Analyse the way you and your horse are progressing to see if you both would benefit with some additional assistance.   If you are having problems with your horse, get help!     No-one is born knowing everything...

Are You Halfway on July 1st?

The activity of setting and achieving goals is like planning to go on a trail ride for a picnic lunch and then arriving at the planned place at the planned time. The first step is to decide on the best place for lunch. You leave the stables and head off in the general...

What Has Happened To Your New Years Resolutions?

How are the ‘New Year Resolutions’ going? Are you springing out of bed to ride each morning, saving money for that new saddle or doing some extra marketing in your horse business? Statistics show that by the third week in January, most new year’s...