Careers in the Horse Industry – Stable Hand Also called Groom, Strapper, or Horse Husbandry Assistant. This is an excellent start to your horse career, leading to many equine industry specialist fields. It is a valuable way to increase your practical skills in...
Equine-Facilitated Learning – Careers in the Horse Industry Also known as Assisted Learning or Equine Assisted Team Building, or Equine Facilitated Therapy if you are a qualified Therapist, Counsellor, etc. Many people already work with people to improve...
Specialist Equestrian Coach – Careers in the International Horse Industry A Specialist Equestrian Coach is also called a Showjumping / Dressage Instructor or Performance Horse Coach. For this career, you should already be an experienced competitor in the area...
Stable Manager – Careers in the Horse Industry Stable Manager is also called Head Lad, Head Girl, Foreman, and Assistant Trainer. Do you have extensive experience caring for a number of horses in a variety of areas? You may have worked in a...