Celebrating Successful Students in Over 20 Countries ‘Online Horse College’ is now ‘International Horse College’

Equine Industry Assistant

Certificate 2 in Agriculture

Get Started in Your Horse Industry Career

From $77/week!

Enrol in the Equine Industry Assistant
course NOW …
while the price is still within reach!

Equine Industry Assistant

AHC20116 Certificate II in Agriculture


You Have Arrived on this Page
at the Right Time to Save $800.00!

We have just moved the Equine Industry Assistant course over to our new portal and are giving a substantial discount to the first few students who would like to Beta Test this new portal!

Don’t worry, this is still an accredited course with the same high quality of instruction you would expect from a Government Accredited Registered Training Organisation.

Everything has already been tested internally, so we don’t expect that there will be any hiccups. However, if there were then it is only a matter of advising our Student Support Officer and they will be fixed.

The Beta testing is just so you give us some feedback on how you find the new portal and to see if you have any suggested improvements.

Once you have decided to become one of our Beta Testers, please keep reading to find out the details of how to become a Equine Industry Assistant, gain specialist horse qualifications and take advantage of the opportunity to enrol while the cost is still within reach…

Course Summary

Would you like to work in the horse industry and are looking for a qualification to get you started?

You may already have your own horse or ride regularly; this qualification fills in the gaps you need to gain employment in the horse industry.


What Units of Competency are Included?

In your Equine Industry Assistant course (AHC20116 Certificate II iin Agriculture), the following units of competency are included:

Core (3)
  • AHCWHS201 Participate in work health and safety processes
  • AHCWRK204 Work effectively in the industry
  • AHCWRK209 Participate in environmentally sustainable work
Specified Electives (7)
  • ACMEQU205 Apply knowledge of horse behaviour
  • ACMEQU202 Handle horses safely
  • ACMHBR201 Check and treat horses
  • ACMHBR203 Provide daily care for horses
  • AHCLSK208 Monitor livestock to parturition
  • AHCLSK211 Provide feed for livestock
  • AHCWRK208 Provide information on products & services
Selected Electives (5)
  • ACMEQU203 Provide basic care of horses
  • ACMEQU204 Perform daily tasks in the horse industry
  • ACMGAS202 Participate in workplace communications
  • ACMEQU201 Work safely in industries with horses
  • RGRPSH207 Perform stable duties

There is some flexibility within these units. If you would like to complete different units within your Equine Industry Assistant course then please talk to us.

We may have your required units within another one of our courses, and can easily offer you a change of units within your course.

If you do not have extensive previous experience with horses or are under 18 years of age, you will be required to complete a pre-requisite course at Certificate II level which includes workplace health and safety, horse handling and safety, horse care, horse health and communication within the horse industry.

Currently there is no additional charge for this part of the course, however this could change without notice.

We want you to be qualified in the latest, most up to date courses.

If the Training Package changes while you are enrolled then we will do our best to change your course into the new Training Package as early as possible.

Also, we monitor the latest demands of the horse industry and we continually update our courses to meet these demands and to give you the best course possible.


How Long Will My Course Take?

This course for your Equine Industry Assistant qualifications has been designed for full time study, over 40 weeks (48 weeks including holidays).

However, it could take less time if you already have previous experience with horses or plan to study for more than 23 hours per week plan to study full time.

If you plan to study this course as well as school, college or University then please talk to use about a flexible schedule that allows more study time over your holidays.

If you already have previous experience and would like to study full time, this course about becoming a professional equine industry assistant could take much less. Simply let us know if you would like to ‘fast track’ your course!

Of course you may study part time if you like and your enrolment will be valid for up to three years. If you would like to re-enrol for a further two years, simply contact us for your updated enrolment details.

What Part of the Course is Delivered Online?

All theory lessons are delivered online through your secure web portal with a range of resources such as

  • Workbooks
  • Extension Lessons/Homework
  • Video Tutorials
  • Power Point Presentations
  • 24 x 7 Email Support access
  • You will have access to the Online Horse
    College team through phone, email and Skype
    And Much, Much More!

The theory component is assessed through International Horse College and the practical component may be completed through a variety of methods as outlined below

This ‘Equine Industry Assistant’ course will be much more straightforward if you have easy access to an equestrian centre environment where you can regularly practice your skills.

You will also be able to have regular phone tutorials during the course. These can be booked whenever you need additional support.

Although they will need to be confirmed with us, when you complete many of your online assessments then you will know the results immediately!


Are There Any Practical Tasks Within My Course?

Of course! Horses are live animals and learning about horse behaviour, especially when they are ridden is an essential part of this course.

To meet the practical components of the course;

  • A combination of practical skills and theoretical knowledge are the main requirements for this qualification and these skills will be developed throughout the course.
  • There are a few options to complete the practical requirements of this course, depending on your location, time available and other commitments.
  • There may be some components of your course that may be completed by RPL from prior qualifications, references or third party reports.
  • Our most popular option is for assessment of practical tasks to be done by video. There are instructions for the submission of video (usually through YouTube.com) within your course content.
  • If any resubmissions are required, you will receive feedback from our qualified trainer assessors
  • If you need further practical experience with horses before submitting your video, this could be done in your local area or with contacts you already have within the horse industry.
  • Please use our checklist to confirm the requirements of a suitable equestrian environment to gain further practical experience with horses https://www.internationalhorsecollege.com/equestrian-environment-checklist
  • If you already have a horse care teacher or equestrian coach, they may be already qualified to supervise and/ or assess your practical assessments or even give us a Third Party Report. (There is an application process for assessors that must be completed prior to your assessment).
  • Other people who may be qualified to supervise and/ or assess could be your riding instructor, the owner/manager of your stable, or someone-one else you know who has considerable experience with horses. The cost for the practical assessments is paid directly to the assessor or person providing the report/s.
  • If you prefer to study the practical components of your course in an on campus mode, we hold five day practical workshops about four times during the year at Caboolture (Qld, Australia). If you are working with a group of other students doing a course with us, we may be able to arrange one of our assessors to visit this group.
  • There is a discounted charge if you pay for your workshop with your enrolment. It may also be possible to organise workshops at your centre, although there will probably be an additional charge for this.
  • You may also be required to self assess and peer assess your practical activities with horses. A peer may be some-one with around the same experience as you with horses. They act as a mirror and mark off your checklist as you complete your activities.
  • We may also conduct some verbal assessments during a phone call or phone tutorial. Some of the practical assessments may be simulated when it is impractical to assess in a realistic setting.

Will I be Accepted into this Course?

To be accepted into this course, you should be:

  • fit and healthy enough to meet the practical requirements of this course
  • at least twelve (12) years of age to commence this course
  • completed equivalent to Year 8 (Queensland Education)
    • or equivalent to nine years full-time study in the English language
    • or equivalent to ten years full-time study in another language
    • with excellent reading, writing, speaking and listening English language skills
    • with previous qualifications or extensive experience with horses

Alternatively you may have sufficient life experience (at least 18 years) in lieu of the educational qualifications.

This course is delivered and assessed in English, so if English is not your first language you should be able to read, write, listen and speak the English language in an excellent manner prior to Enrolment so you can maximise your learning.

If you believe you have equivalent pre-requisites to enter this course, or a very good reason why you cannot meet these pre-requisites, please contact us to discuss alternative ways to enter this course.


What Do I need to Supply for this Course?

For you to study this course, you will need to supply

  • A computer with Internet access
  • Microsoft Office suite (preferable but not essential)
  • Printer
  • Scanner (preferable but not essential)
  • Skype software (free) for phone tutorials
  • Other free software as advised during the course
  • An equestrian environment for practical training and assessments, ideally in a commercial setting (see our checklist)
  • Groups of riders where you can gain experience teaching your specialised skills
  • Suitable horses for your practical activities
  • A supervisor who has experience with horses and in particular in the section you are studying. As horse activities are of a high risk nature, it is essential that when you are attempting unfamiliar activities you

    • have completed the theory components prior to attempting the practical components
    • are under the supervision of an experienced horse person who can perform the task competently. This supervisor should have performed the task many times, is able to advise you on the risks and show you how to minimise the risks. They should continue to supervise you until you have shown that you are doing the task satisfactorily according to industry standards.

Is this the Right Course for Me?

  • Would you like to continue your career with horses?
  • Do you love helping people?
  • Would you like to teach people about horses and riding in a specialty area?
  • Do you plan to continue your career with horses and would like further professional qualifications?
  • Are you a business owner and would like your staff to become qualified horse riding instructors some so you can obtain better priced insurance?
  • Would you just like to know that you are riding and training your horse correctly within your specialty area?

If you have said ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then YES… this is the right course for you!

What if I Can’t Ride Any More?

Good news!

This course is about horse husbandry/ horse management so you do not need to be an experienced rider to enrol in this course.

Please contact us if you are unsure about your experience to enrol in this course.

Will this Course be Recognised in My Country ?

Our distance learning equine studies all work within the Australian Training Qualifications Framework (AQTF).

We provide a Pathway from High School through our Certificate and Diploma courses that give recognised credit into University courses.

These distance learning equine courses are registered in Autralia, but because they are taught by distance education, students can access them around the world and still receive their educational qualifications

Most countries recognise qualifications delivered and accredited bu Registered Training Organisations in Australia. They are often held in higher regard to qualifications issued in their own country!

If your country has equestrian and equine qualifications, they may be able to gran RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) into their qualifications from your studies at International Horse College.

What Further Study or Work
Opportunities are Available
on Completion of My Course?

When you have completed the ‘Horse Husbandry Assistant’ course, you can enrol in our ‘Equine Industry Professional’ or ‘Horse Husbandry Professional’ courses.

The ‘Equine Industry Assistant’ qualification is recognized as a professional horse industry qualification. Some of this course can also be credited towards both ‘Equine Industry Professional’ and ‘Horse Husbandry Professional’ courses.

These distance learning equine courses are registered in Australia, but because they are taught by distance education, students can access them around the world and still receive their educational qualifications.


Why Should I Study at International Horse College?

Hundreds of happy students before you would like to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity of studying with International Horse College. Here are top five reasons why students like to study with us

  • Flexible online courses
  • Equine career pathway
  • Approachable, friendly staff
  • Affordable payment options
  • Internationally recognised courses

We keep abreast with the latest development within the equine industry and Training Packages and courses are revised, we will re-enrol you in the updated course before the teach-out period at no additional cost to you.

Enrol in the Horse Husbandry Assistant course NOW…

while the price is still within reach!

This Course was $3,970.00

Now, if you would like to test our new portal, take $800.00 off!

Which means your course is now only $3,170.

(including $200.00 Enrolment Fee)

With a Budget Option of only $77/week!

What you Receive With This Enrolment

  • Complete online course through your dedicated Student Portal
  • Student support throughout your course
  • Submit videos assessments for your practical tasks or use one of our other options

Discounted Price

Single Payment of
(You Save $800)

Monthly Payments

12 Monthly Payments of
(You Save $80 Monthly)

Budget Option

50 Weekly Payments


Easy payment Option

As you are undertaking an Australian qualification on the National Training Framework, you must provide the following identification


  • PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP (Either Birther Certificate Medicare Card or Passport for any Country)
  • PROOF OF RESIDENCY (Drivers Licence / 18+ Card / Bank Statement / Centrelink Card/ Utility Bill / AEC Letter displaying your current residential address)
  • USI (Unique Student Identifier,) details found on this link www.USI.gov.au
  • PROOF OF PRIOR EDUCATION OR CERTIFICATES Funded students will require additional identification as stated on your Enrolment Form


  • PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP (If you are able to provide Birth Certificate or Passport then please contact us)
  • PROOF of ID (a form of photo identification preferably)
  • PROOF of Prior Education or Certificates
Please call us on (07) 3102 5498 if you would like to find out more and to discuss your course identification options.

Our Happy Students

“As a horse lover, owner/rider and pony club instructor I have been using the online course Cert II in Business (Working with Horses) for the last two years with 3 high school students. I have found the course interesting and engaging and all three girls have completed the course and gained their accreditation. Personally I enjoy getting the emails that Glenys sends out as they always contain so much good down to earth information and always on varying topics. The content has never failed to resonate with my own years of experience and personal feelings for the horse. I keep them all in a special file and revisit when I want a boost. Well done Glenys and the team.”

Pam Shipman
Moura High School, Queensland

“The course is fun, educational and assists in broadening my knowledge of the equine world.”

Lisa H

“Materials have been relevant (to my career with horses) and interesting.”

Amanda E


“Very useful information. Pictures very appropriate.”

Belinda S

“This course gives me a systematic knowledge of horse industry”

Wang L