Celebrating Successful Students in Over 20 Countries ‘Online Horse College’ is now ‘International Horse College’

Happy Students

Since 2001 Ausintec Academy (previously Caboolture Equestrian Centre and now Online Horse College) has had many students graduate and go on to work in the International horse industry.

We have made a ‘Wall of Honor’ for past and current students to leave their comments

If you are a past student who would like to contribute to this wall, please contact us

The course is fun, educational and assists in broadening my knowledge of the equine world.

Lisa H

Materials have been relevant (to my career with horses) and interesting.

Amanda E

Very useful information. Pictures very appropriate

Belinda S

I’m enjoying the course and the challenges.

Lara S

This course gives me a systematic knowledge of horse industry

Wang L

Interesting and well explained.

Amanda E

Student Support
Staff at StudyHorses.com pride ourselves in our Student Support. We aim to understand your questions and your situation so that we can really support you through your course.

Staff are excellent and go out of their way to help

Rhiannon D

Staff have been very approachable, professional and helpful.

Renee P

Staff have been polite and very approachable

Jessica S

Staff have been very helpful and polite.

Lara S

I have had a great response from all of my questions. You have given me plenty of feedback and kept me informed of all developments.

Amanda E

Online Enquiries
We aim to respond to online enquiries as quickly as possible, within one day.

My emails have been answered very promptly

Amanda E

My emails have always been answered within one working day, very quick, which is pleasing.

Talia V

Things are going well – very quick response to a glitch in the theory assessment!

Lara S

Emails have been promptly answered with information that was required.

Lisa H

Course Design
With experience in teaching a large variety of students of different levels of education, language ability and previous horse experience we have designed our courses around the needs of our students

The course has been very educational and informative … worded so that it is easily read, with all the relevant information … very well put together.

Lisa H

The instructions are clear and easy to follow and the content is such that I have always practiced and so of course I like it a lot ????

Desiree J

Well written and easy to understand and follow.

Belinda S

It was very easy to follow


Well-structured, good information, explained well.

Toni L

Both questions and answers are written in simple and easy to understand language and also consistent with the workbook.

Nicole E

Maximised Learning
We believe that student motivation and learning can be maximised if education is enjoyable and interesting.

I´m enjoying the format. Good information as always … Very nice to see correctly fitting hanoverian – one of the few! I found the gait info really helpful as this is what I’m working on with my youngster at the moment and it really helped to reinforce what I need to be doing.

Amanda E

I particularly like the flexibility and the layout

Lara S.

Enjoying the course ????

Angela M

I am loving this course in particular the riding one

Jessica S

Clear explanations. Nice chatty style in videos. Enjoyable!

Toni L

The courses are good and i am enjoying studying

Wang L

We want to make sure we have provided you with the education to prepare you for your online and practical assessments and have given you videos, power point presentations and workbooks.

The workbooks where filled with all the relevant information, that was needed to complete this quiz. The assessment was straightforward and explained in a manner so that it wasn’t complex.

Lisa H

The learning materials have been very relevant to prepare for assessments and assessment has been fairly straight forward

Wang L

The videos have been very helpful to prepare me for the assessment process.

Toni L

The workbooks have really helped a lot to prepare me for assessments

Lara S

The workbooks are good and had relevant information prior to the assessment process

Amanda E

The videos hold all relevant information for assessments and it isn’t an overload.

Tahlia V

The assessments are getting slightly harder but all good, thankyou


Things are looking good. I’m really enjoying the quizzes now, I am really pleased to be able to express some of my answers in writing as well as the multiple choice questions.

Lara S

The videos cover all areas quizzed in the assessment


Learning Materials
We have created learning materials for a large variety of student needs. You have been supplied with videos, power point presentations and workbooks so that you can use these tools to assist you to learn in a manner that suits your individual learning needs

The videos are excellent

Rhiannon D

The tests and workbooks are really good. I prefer using the workbooks to learn They have been very relevant and useful. I’ve printed them out as I go for reference in future.

Lara S

have enjoyed this … and found the text books helpful

Jessica S

I have found that the videos are useful but i do not learn that way so i have found the power points and the notes more useful

Wang L

The workbooks helps you study if there is no computer

Emily C

I’m really enjoying my experience. Some of the practical tasks seem daunting but I am really enjoying the theory and I like seeing the pictures which help with my learning. The workbooks have been really helpful

Lara S

The powerpoint was helpful as was the work book.

Jessica S

The learning materials are good, they really help you to remember everything


Relevance to Career
Many of these courses have been designed to prepare you for a career in the horse industry, either in a direct role or a supporting role.

I am aiming towards giving riding lessons to beginners, and one target area I have is mature-aged beginner riders. The sequences give me some good ideas on how to introduce new systems to people that haven’t been doing this all their lives.

Belinda S

The course has been good. I don’t have a clear career I wish to go into with horses, as I’m currently focusing on other areas as well while I study this course but I think it has all been good and relevant.

Lara S

90% of the things i have learnt will come in use some time or another throughout my career choice.


The materials have been relevant. Actually my career is likely to be in the realms of concept art but having the qualifications and skills for riding instruction will allow me to work on both horses and art

Lara S

I think the learning materials are extremely relevant to my career choice

Rhiannon D

I´ve always wanted to work in the horse industry and all this helps me get there

Toni L

In Summary
There have only been a small number of students that have trialled our courses and the feedback we have received has been very positive. This is how the courses have been summarised


Tony L

The course is going great

Lara S

I am really enjoying the course

Jessica S

All good, thank you.

Amanda E

Well done, I haven’t found anything to improve yet the course is great

Jessica S

Really well.

Toni L

Thank you

Tahlia W

I am really enjoying these courses and quizzes

Wang L