Essential Full Qualifications
You Need To Succeed In The International Horse Industry
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All of our online equine courses are from fully accredited qualifications and we are Nationally Recognised to deliver this training.
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Government Accredited, Registered, Approved and Compliant Registered Training Organisation No: 31352
Certificate 1
Introduction To Horses
RGR10118 Certificate I in Racing
Just getting started with horses? You could be a parent or partner of some-one with horses or would love to learn more about the magic of horses, but doing it safely and correctly.
This course will teach you about horse behaviour and the safest way to handle and care for them.
Introduction To Horses
RGR10118 Certificate I in Racing
Just getting started with horses? You could be a parent or partner of some-one with horses or would love to learn more about the magic of horses, but doing it safely and correctly.
This course will teach you about horse behaviour and the safest way to handle and care for them.
Certificate 2
Horse Husbandry Assistant
AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations
Would you like to work in the horse industry and are looking for a qualification to get you started?
You may already have your own horse or ride regularly; this qualification fills in the gaps you need to gain employment in the horse industry.
Foundation Horse Skills
ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care
Would you like a course with solid foundations in horse care and safety with chosen electives?
Depending on your chosen career, electives could be on horse care, stud work, administration, instructor or trail riding. If you already have experience with horses and would like to work towards your chosen career, talk to us about your options.
Horse Care Essentials
Statement of Attainment in ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care
Do you need to complete a pre-requisite course before you commence some of our more advanced courses?
These six foundation skills units are pre-requisites for some of our courses.
You will receive a Statement of Attainment showing that you understand horse behaviour and can work safely around horses and well as taking care of horses and the associated tasks.
Certificate 3
Horse Husbandry Professional
AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations
Would you like to further your skills and knowledge with a specialised horse industry qualification?
You can choose electives as pre-requisites to work towards other courses, or (depending on electives chosen) choose units that will give you credit into other courses.
Equine Industry Professional
AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture
Are you already working in the horse industry or have some experience with horses and now you would like to gain a qualification so you can work at a higher level?
This course gives you the professional qualification to work in the horse industry and depending on the electives chosen, you can also progress towards other courses.
Foundation HorseRiding Instructor
SIS30521 Certificate III in Sports Coaching
Are you passionate about helping people with their horses?
The Horse Riding Instructor course will give you a professional qualification to teach people how to ride.
This full course qualification includes teaching beginners, nervous riders and children, teaching them the basics so they can go onto progress at any discipline they choose.
Trail Ride Leader
Statement of Attainment from AHC32822 Cert III in Rural Operations
Do you love going out on trail rides and would you love to be paid while doing it?
The Trail Ride Leader qualification is a recognised professional that gives you the ability to take people out on trail rides professionally. You get the best of both worlds, trail riding and being paid while you do it.
Horse Handling Instructor
Statement of Attainment from AHC32822 Cert III in Rural Operations
Are you already an experienced horse person teaching or supervising horse handling and safety (either as a professional or a volunteer) and need to fast track an instructor qualification?
This course is not a full Certificate or Diploma and does not align to any equestrian industry qualifications, but may be enough to get you started and help with your legal requirements.
Recreational HorseRiding Instructor
Statement of Attainment in AHC32822 Cert III in Rural Operations
Are you interested in teaching recreational riders or already an experienced horse riding and need to fast track your instructor qualification?
This is not a full Certificate or Diploma and does not align to any equestrian industry qualifications, but may be enough to get you started and help with your legal requirements.
Certificate 4
Equine Business Management
BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
Do you already have a horse industry qualification, and now would like to use that qualification to start your own business?
This course is focused on the business of horses and also includes some horse care units. If you already have your own horse business, this course is designed to increase your ability to manage your Own Horse Business at a higher level of profit. If you are preparing to set up your own horse business, then we focus on assisting you through this process.
Introductory HorseRiding Instructor
SIS40321 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching
Are you already a professional instructor and would like to further your teaching knowledge and skills?
You can now be qualified at a higher level so you can teach your students in your speciality area. The best bit is that as you increase your skills and knowledge, your students will improve their performance.
Equine Business Management
BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
Do you already have a horse industry qualification, and now would like to use that qualification to start your own business?
This course is focused on the business of horses and also includes some horse care units. If you already have your own horse business, this course is designed to increase your ability to manage your Own Horse Business at a higher level of profit. If you are preparing to set up your own horse business, then we focus on assisting you through this process.
Introductory HorseRiding Instructor
SIS40321 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching
Are you already a professional instructor and would like to further your teaching knowledge and skills?
You can now be qualified at a higher level so you can teach your students in your speciality area. The best bit is that as you increase your skills and knowledge, your students will improve their performance.
Equestrian Coaching Diploma
SIS50321 Diploma of Sport
Are you already teaching & would like to advance your skills?
In the Equestrian Coaching Diploma course you will learn to advance your teaching skills so your students will then be able to increase their riding and training skills.
Equestrian Coaching Diploma
SIS50321 Diploma of Sport
Are you already teaching & would like to advance your skills?
In the Equestrian Coaching Diploma course you will learn to advance your teaching skills so your students will then be able to increase their riding and training skills.
Individual Course Units
Statement of Attainment
Do you need just one unit or a group of units?
Have a look at our individual unit prices to work out if enrolling in a full course is the best option or just enrolling in one or more individual units
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Statement of Attainment
Do you already have experience within the horse industry and would like to apply for Recognition of Prior leaning?
We have options for recognition of prior learning for individual units or for all the units in an individual course.
Practical Course Workshops
Are you already enrolled in one of our courses, and would like to attend a practical workshop?
Even though you may have your practical tasks assessed by video or Third Party Report from a local approved Equine Industry Expert, another option is to attend a practical workshop at one of our pre-approved locations.
Book into Practical Workshop below
Foundation HorseRiding Instructor
SIS30521 Certificate III in Sports Coaching
The Horse Riding Instructor course will give you a professional qualification to teach people how to ride.
This full course qualification includes teaching beginners, nervous riders and children, teaching them the basics so they can go onto progress at any discipline they choose.
Equestrian Coaching Diploma
SIS50321 Diploma of Sport
Are you already teaching & would like to advance your skills?
In the Equestrian Coaching Diploma course you will learn to advance your teaching skills so your students will then be able to increase their riding and training skills.
Trail Ride Leader
Statement of Attainment in AHC32816 Certificate III in Rural Operations
Do you love teaching but love going out on trail as well?
The Trail Ride Leader qualification gives you the option of teaching in the arena or taking people out on trail rides. You get the best of both worlds, teaching people and trail riding.
Horse Handling Instructor
Statement of Attainment from AHC32816 Cert III in Rural Operations
Are you already an experienced horse person teaching or supervising horse handling and safety (either as a professional or a volunteer) and need to fast track an instructor qualification?
This course is not a full Certificate or Diploma and does not align to any equestrian industry qualifications, but may be enough to get you started and help with your legal requirements.
Introductory HorseRiding Instructor
SIS40321 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching
Are you already a professional instructor and would like to further your teaching knowledge and skills?
You can now be qualified at a higher level so you can teach your students in your speciality area. The best bit is that as you increase your skills and knowledge, your students will improve their performance.
Recreational Horseriding Instructor
Statement of Attainment in AHC32816 Cert III in Rural Operations
Are you interested in teaching recreational riders or already an experienced horse riding and need to fast track your instructor qualification?
This is not a full Certificate or Diploma and does not align to any equestrian industry qualifications, but may be enough to get you started and help with your legal requirements.
Horse Care & Safety
Introduction To Horses
RGR10118 Certificate I in Racing
Just getting started with horses? You could be a parent or partner of some-one with horses or would love to learn more about the magic of horses, but doing it safely and correctly.
This course will teach you about horse behaviour and the safest way to handle and care for them.
Horse Husbandry Professional
AHC32816 Certificate III in Rural Operations
New Course AHC32822 Certificate III in Rural Operations coming 1st January 2024!
Would you like to further your skills and knowledge with a specialised horse industry qualification?
You can choose electives as pre-requisites to work towards other courses, or (depending on electives chosen) choose units that will give you credit into other courses.
Horse Husbandry Assistant
AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations
Would you like to work in the horse industry and are looking for a qualification to get you started?
You may already have your own horse or ride regularly; this qualification fills in the gaps you need to gain employment in the horse industry.
Foundation Horse Skills
ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care
Would you like a course with solid foundations in horse care and safety with chosen electives?
Depending on your chosen career, electives could be on horse care, stud work, administration, instructor or trail riding. If you already have experience with horses and would like to work towards your chosen career, talk to us about your options.
Horse Care Essentials
Statement of Attainment in ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care
Do you need to complete a pre-requisite course before you commence some of our more advanced courses?
These six foundation skills units are pre-requisites for some of our courses.
You will receive a Statement of Attainment showing that you understand horse behaviour and can work safely around horses and well as taking care of horses and the associated tasks.
Equine Stable Management & Equine Administration & Management
Equine Industry Professional
AHC30116 Certificate III in Agriculture
New Course AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture coming 1st January 2024!
Are you already working in the horse industry or have some experience with horses and now you would like to gain a qualification so you can work at a higher level?
This course gives you the professional qualification to work in the horse industry and depending on the electives chosen, you can also progress towards other courses.
Equine Business Management
BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
Do you already have a horse industry qualification, and now would like to use that qualification to start your own business?
In the Equine Business Management course you will learn about the requirements of running a business including the legal requirements, marketing, planning and managing your business so you can earn that profit you deserve.
Customised Horse Courses
Practical Course Workshops
Are you already enrolled in one of our courses, and would like to attend a practical workshop?
Even though you may have your practical tasks assessed by video or Third Party Report from a local approved Equine Industry Expert, another option is to attend a practical workshop at one of our pre-approved locations.
Book into Practical Workshop Here
Individual Course Units
Statement of Attainment
Do you need just one unit or a group of units?
Have a look at our individual unit prices to work out if enrolling in a full course is the best option or just enrolling in one or more individual units
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Do you already have experience within the horse industry and would like to apply for Recognition of Prior leaning?
We have options for recognition of prior learning for individual units or for all the units in an individual course.
Horse College
People Safety and Horse Welfare
To improve the welfare of horses around the world through the safe education of their riders, handlers and trainers.
To have a world where people safely appreciate, respect and enjoy their horses and the horses appreciate, respect and enjoy their people.
Horse Welfare is of utmost importance when humans have any interaction with horses.
Within our courses, we only utilize methods that promote safe and humane methods of interaction between horses and humans.
We support safe methods of educating riders, handlers and trainers about horse welfare.
Happy Students
I would recommend the course to anyone.
I wanted to have some sort of qualifications in the horse industry as I plan to work with horses in a future career, and thought Why not start now? . . . I would recommend the course to anyone who wants to gain a career or more knowledge in the horse industry.
Emily J
Working with Horses

Our Latest Blogs/Podcasts
The Secret to Training Horses
We think of dressage training as training special skills, to understand the horse's body language and to develop feel.But without this extra piece that Christoph explains in the short video on YouTube then nothing will work! Listen to Christoph Hess explaining...
Black Beauty – 14 James Howard
Early one morning in December John had just led me into my box after my daily exercise, and was strapping my cloth on and James was coming in from the corn chamber with some oats, when the master came into the stable. He looked rather serious, and held an open letter in his hand. John fastened the door of my box, touched his cap, and waited for orders.
Black Beauty – 13 The Devil’s Trade Mark
One day when John and I had been out on some business of our master’s and were returning gently on a long, straight road, at some distance we saw a boy trying to leap a pony over a gate; the pony would not take the leap, and the boy cut him with the whip, but he only turned off on one side. He whipped him again, but the pony turned off on the other side.
Black Beauty – 12 A Stormy Day
One day late in the autumn my master had a long journey to go on business. I was put into the dog-cart, and John went with his master. I always liked to go in the dog-cart, it was so light and the high wheels ran along so pleasantly. There had been a great deal of rain, and now the wind was very high and blew the dry leaves across the road in a shower. We went along merrily till we came to the toll-bar and the low wooden bridge. The river banks were rather high, and the bridge, instead of rising, went across just level, so that in the middle, if the river was full, the water would be nearly up to the woodwork and planks; but as there were good substantial rails on each side, people did not mind it.
Horse Chats
The Mission of Horse Chats is to improve the lives of horses around the world, through the education of their owners, riders and handlers.

Horse Chats
The Mission of Horse Chats is to improve the lives of horses around the world, through the education of their owners, riders and handlers.