Celebrating Successful Students in Over 20 Countries ‘Online Horse College’ is now ‘International Horse College’
Horse Addiction I finally worked out why I was addicted to horses! According to Tony Robbins, humans have six basic needs and if they find an activity that satisfies at least four of those needs there is a very strong chance they will become addicted to that activity and find it difficult or impossible to stop.
  1. Certainty
  2. Uncertainty
  3. Significance
  4. Connection
  5. Growth
  6. Contribution
I know with me, horses satisfy every one of those needs! No wonder so many other people are also addicted to them! If I have never met a horse before, I can be certain they have characteristics and behaviors that are unique to the horse. At the same time, every horse and every situation is different.  Even on a well-trained horse there is always a degree of uncertainty in the way they are going to react. With my first pony, he always made me feel significant at feed time!  I have been lucky enough to work with horses who show theirconnection with me by exhibiting unique behaviors. A horse leaving their feed to come and say ‘hello’ creates special moments of connectivity and significance. There is so much to learn about horses and so much ongoing research into horses that my knowledge could continue to grow for the next thousand years.  In turn I love teaching an individual horse or rider to contribute to their development. My personal mission/contribution is to improve the lives of horses throughout the world through the education of their riders and handlers. What do you think?  Are you addicted to horses?  If so, how many of these six basic humans needs have caused the addiction?   Happy Riding, Glenys  🙂