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I love this part of the story from ‘The Man Who Listens to Horses’ by Monty Roberts:

‘I want you to think about this very carefully’….. ‘It should be like painting a picture of your lives in the future, as if all your ambitions had been realised.’ I was in my last year of high school, and this was one of the first projects we were set to do. I turned in what I thought was a good paper….It was a ground plan and associated paperwork for the running of a thoroughbred racehorse facility. Five days later the paper was returned to me with an F….. ‘It is a wild, unattainable dream. That is why I gave it a failing grade…..I know your family background; it would just not be possible….change it to an appropriate level’. Years Later . . . It was a beautiful summers day when the coach arrived at Flag Is Up Farms, and Mr Fowler (Teacher who made the previous comment) was the first to step out….After doing a full circle of the property….Mr Fowler made a speech in his precise, articulate voice that I will always remember… ‘As you all know, I taught Monty when he was a young man. However, he taught me something –  and it’s possibly the most valuable lesson I ever learned…..A teacher does not have the right to put a cap on the aspirations of his students –  no matter how unreal those aspirations might be.’ – Monty Roberts, The Man Who Listens To Horses This is the best time of year to thing about New Year’s Resolutions. Go wild and think about what you would love to have or be doing as a long term goal. Take the time to dream about it before you set your goals for next year Remember, I won’t put a cap on your aspirations! Until next time, enjoy your horse and live your dreams, Glenys 🙂