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Educated Inner Cowboy

Educated Inner Cowboy!

What brings out your inner cowboy?

Is it riding very fast around a jump-off course or something equally exciting that gets your adrenaline pumping?

Is riding at speed stupid?

According to Jen Hamilton (on Horse Chats Podcast 858) who talked about winning jump offs, there are so many strategies that should be added before speed. 

These include taking a shorter track, tightening up the turns right and left and angling jumps.

Opening out to longer strides and then shortening and turning is an excellent training strategy but the one that is often missed the most is the turn after the jump.

How soon can you turn after the jump? Is the left turn tighter than the right? Or right tighter than left?

Watching other top riders and then simulating the conditions in training are strategies for the educated.

The jump off is a test of training and mental focus for the rider.

The educated rider and educated coach custom designs their course walk to work on the strengths of the rider and the strengths of their horse when riding the course.

Educated riders only use techniques in competition that they have worked on at home.

If your horse has a fabulous canter, goes forward and comes back, turns left and turns right, your horse is brave and you are riding with conviction, then it sounds like you have an ‘Educated Inner Cowboy’.

Those with an Educated Inner Cowboy win Jump Offs!

Let us know below what brings out your inner cowboy.

Listen to the full episode with Jen Hamilton on Winning Jump Offs on Horse Chats here